Our Goal


Get Involved

Join us at our next meeting and be a part of the dialogue that shapes the future. Your ideas and passion can help create a stronger, united voice for change.


Voting is the cornerstone of democracy, empowering individuals to have a say in shaping their nation’s future. Ensure your voice is heard.

Make A Difference

Your contribution can make a significant difference – by donating, you actively participate in supporting the values and policies you believe in.

click here to register for the event

Biennial Reorganization Party Convention

woman working at the desk in office

2024 Election Information

Change can only happen when We the People get more involved, and Vote for Democrats.

The site BlueVoterGuide.org will let you know which candidates in your district support the same issues we do. Since there are so many different combinations in and around Carter County, this is the easiest way to find out who is running and who we support.

VOTING is the most important thing for you to do, whether it’s in a primary or in the general election. You can’t complain if you don’t vote!

Run for Office

We have people willing to help you run as a Democrat, should you choose to do so. Come join us!


If you have time to volunteer, even just an hour or two, we will find something just for you!

Serving The Community

The Carter County Democratic Party has been part of this community for many decades, working tirelessly to make it a better place. Our membership meets monthly, whether in person or on Zoom, to plan our activities, secure guest speakers, and provide the materials necessary to promote democracy in our community.

Build Back Blue

There’s more work to do. Elect Democrats across the country.

Qualified Candidates 2024

U.S. House Representative District 1  running against Diana Harshbarger

  • Kevin Jenkins (kevinjenkinsofficial@gmail.com)

U.S. Senate

  • Gloria Johnson (voteGloriaJohnson.com)

TN House District 3

  • Lori Love (electLoriLove.com)

Billboards in Carter County, beginning the first of  September, will encourage voters to VOTE DEMOCRATIC and save democracy. As you head towards Johnson City on 321, there is a digital billboard on the righthand side of the road just before the Lighthouse Wine & Liquor at 1933 W. Elk that we will be lighting up throughout September and October. The week before and including November 5, we will be displaying on the digital billboard across from the Food City at 19E and Elk. Keep an eye out and let us know what you think.

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